
How to Study MBA in Canada

How to Study MBA in Canada

Canada is increasingly becoming a favored destination for international students seeking high-quality education, renowned business schools, and cost-effective MBA programs. Several factors contribute to Canada’s appeal as a study-abroad destination, including ample post-study work opportunities, student-friendly government policies, and enhanced prospects for obtaining permanent residency.


Pursuing an MBA in Canada offers students a well-rounded education, combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Canadian MBA institutions are esteemed for their exceptional management programs, which equip students with the skills and expertise needed to excel in the global marketplace.

List of the Best MBA Colleges in Canada

  1. Rotman School of Management
  2. McGill University
  3. Robert H. Smith School of Business
  4. Ivey Business School
  5. Schulich School of Business
  6. Sauder School of Business
  7. Alberta School of Business

Top MBA Courses in Canada

#1. MBA in Finance:


An MBA in Finance is a highly sought-after choice among international students. This program offers specializations in various finance domains, including portfolio management, financial analysis and reporting, market finance, and corporate finance. Typically, the average duration of this program is around 2 years.

#2. International MBA in Canada:

The International MBA in Canada provides students with exposure to international field study programs, global management practices, and an integrated curriculum that spans across various courses and universities. The duration of this program can vary but typically ranges from 20 to 28 months.

#3. MBA in Human Resource Management:

For students interested in careers related to people management, hiring and training processes, and employee performance management, an MBA in Human Resource Management is an ideal choice. This program usually spans a duration of 2 years.

In Canada, MBA programs can generally be categorized into three main types based on their duration: full-time, part-time, and executive MBA. Each of these categories has a different duration:

  1. Full-Time MBA: Typically, a full-time MBA in Canada has a duration of nearly 2 years.
  2. Part-Time MBA: Part-time MBA programs vary in duration, extending anywhere from 3 to 6 years. This flexibility allows students to balance their studies with work and other commitments.
  3. Executive MBA (EMBA): An executive MBA program in Canada usually spans 20 to 28 months. These programs are designed for experienced professionals who want to continue working while earning their MBA.

The choice of which type of MBA to pursue in Canada depends on your specific needs, career goals, and work experience. Each option offers its own advantages, so you can select the one that aligns best with your requirements.

Requirements for MBA in Canada for Indian students

Depending on the university and program enrolled, the requirements vary for an MBA in Canada. Here’s a list of things that universities in Canada for MBA require you to submit-

  • A bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university
  • Academic transcripts translated into English
  • The score of English proficiency exams such as IELTS & TOEFL
  • Proof of work experience proof (if any)
  • LOR – Letter of Recommendation (at least 2)
  • SOP – Statement of Purpose
  • MBA application essays (if needed)
  • Updated CV/Resume
  • GMAT score preferred for MBA programs

How much is MBA Fees in Canada?

Canadian universities are renowned for offering affordable yet world-class MBA programs. The cost of an MBA in Canada for Indian students can vary significantly depending on the specific program you choose, with tuition fees ranging from 20,000 CAD to 110,000 CAD. The tuition fees for an MBA in Canada also depend on the university you select.

  1. University of Toronto – Rotman School of Management: The tuition fee for the Rotman MBA program is approximately 110,000 CAD.
  2. University of British Columbia – Sauder School of Business: The tuition for the UBC MBA program is around 52,000 CAD.
  3. McGill University – Desautels Faculty of Management: The tuition fee for the McGill MBA program is roughly 45,000 CAD.
  4. Queen’s University – Smith School of Business: The tuition fee for the Queen’s MBA program is approximately 94,000 CAD.
  5. York University – Schulich School of Business: The tuition fee for the Schulich MBA program is around 95,000 CAD.
  6. University of Alberta – Alberta School of Business: The tuition for the University of Alberta MBA program is about 38,000 CAD.
  7. University of Western Ontario – Ivey Business School: The tuition fee for the Ivey MBA program is approximately 102,000 CAD.

What Are the Documents Needed to Apply for MBA in Canada?

  • Transcripts from any past courses you’ve taken
  • Scorecards of any competitive tests taken
  • Detailed Resume
  • Letter of Recommendations
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Certificates of achievements listed

When is the Right Time to Apply for MBA in Canada

In Canada, higher education institutions offer multiple intakes for students:

  1. Fall Intake (September): This is the most popular intake and starts in September. Nearly all courses and programs are available during this intake, making it the primary choice for many students.
  2. Winter Intake (January): The second-most popular intake begins in January. Students who missed the deadlines for fall admission often opt for this intake. While it offers a wide range of programs, it may not be as comprehensive as the fall intake.
  3. Summer Intake (April/May): Intakes for the summer season commence in April or May. However, colleges typically have limited seats and programs available during this intake. It’s ideal for students who have specific program preferences and is the least commonly chosen intake.

Students can select the intake that aligns with their academic and personal preferences, allowing them to start their studies in Canada at the most suitable time of the year.

How Do Get Work Permit after MBA in Canada?

Canada’s increasing demand for business graduates has led the government to place a strong emphasis on attracting international talent to the country. Canadian government policies are designed to be international student-friendly, providing extensive work opportunities during and after higher education in Canada. Acquiring a post-study work (PSW) permit in Canada is a relatively straightforward process. Here are three important points to consider regarding work permits after completing an MBA in Canada:

  1. After completing their MBA, international students have 180 days to apply for a PSW permit.
  2. A PSW permit allows you to work in any company throughout Canada.
  3. PSW permits allow MBA graduates to stay and work in Canada for 3 years.

Jobs Prospects in Canada for foreigners After MBA

Canada, as a developed nation, provides numerous opportunities for MBA graduates, including access to high-paying job positions. The country boasts several well-established industries, and candidates with an MBA from Canadian universities are often sought after.

1. Apple
2. Amazon
3. The Royal Bank of Canada
4. UbiSoft
5. Deloitte
